Technical Committee No. 67

Prisedent of TC No. 67 

Uazhanova Raushangul

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


Executive Secretary TC № 67 

Tungyshbaeva Ulbala

PhD, Associate Professor at ATU

The purpose of technical committee No. 67 is to ensure consensus among all stakeholders in the process of creating industry-wide national standardization, thereby raising the quality of standards to a higher scientific and technical level.

The TC defines the following functions:

  • take part in the development of standardization documents and develop them;
  • organize a technical discussion of the content of draft national standards in accordance with the assigned area of activity with members of the technical committee for standardization;
  • monitor the application of standards;
  • make proposals for the formation of a national standardization plan;
  • send requests to government bodies, legal entities or individuals on issues within their competence on behalf of the university;
  • participate in scientific research in the field of standardization;
  • participate in the work of technical committees for standardization of international and regional standardization organizations;

List of standardization objects (areas of activity) assigned to TC No. 67:

  • 67.100.01 - Milk and dairy products in general;
  • 67.100.30 - Cheese;
  • 67.100.40 - Confectionery (Ice cream);
  • 67.100.99 - Other dairy products:
  • new methods of milk processing;
  • products from camel, cow, goat milk and other raw materials;
  • products from recycled materials;
  • national dairy products for baby food;
  • microorganisms used in the dairy industry.
  • 67.120 - Meat and meat products;
  • 67.120.01 - Animal products in general (Sausages and sausage products);
  • 67.120.99 - Other animal products: products from non-traditional meat raw materials (rabbit, ostrich and others).
  • 67.220.10 - Spices and seasonings;
  • 67.220.20 - Food additives (Food concentrates, aromatic food products and other products).

TC No. 67 is a member of MTK No. 526 “Functional Food Products” and MTK 226 “Meat and Meat Products”, MTK No. 003 “Bread and Pasta”.

TC No. 67 is a full member of ISO/TC 34/SC3 “Fruits and vegetables and their derived products”, ISO/TC 34/SC5 “Milk and milk products”, ISO/TC 34/SC6 “Meat, poultry, fish, eggs and their products". Also, TC No. 67 is an observer member in ISO/TC 34/SC9 – “Microbiology”, ISO/TC 34/SC10 – “Animal feeding stuffs”, ISO/TC 34/SC19 – “Bee products”.

Member organizations of Technical Committee No. 67: Almaty region branch of the RSE “Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Certification”, ALE “Dairy Union of Kazakhstan”, Union of Grain Processors of Kazakhstan, LLP “Kazakh Research Institute of Processing and Food Industry”, Astana branch of LLP “Kazakh Research Institute of Processing and Food Industry", LLP "Kazakh Research Institute of Economics of the Agro-Industrial Complex and Rural Development", Eurasian National University. L.N. Gumilyov, LLP "Center for Technical Regulation and Metrology", Branch of LLP "Caspian Certification Center", NPP "Antigen", JSC "ShymkentMay"

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